Unveiling the Future: 3D Printed Rocket Engine

NASA is testing a new 3D-printed rocket engine
 Rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE) hot fire test at Marshall Space Flight Center. Source: NASA.

NASA tests a new 3D printed rocket engine for deep space travel in Alabama. It’s a little difficult to focus while searching for precious metals on the moon because your lander’s engine requires a replacement part. So you act as any other person would in these circumstances: Set up your 3D printer and create the part on your own. Alternatively, place a 3D printer order by calling the mother ship in orbit.

NASA ‘s next Steps toward 3D printing how?

NASA is looking for advanced technology to make space travel and living on the moon possible. 3D printed Rocket engines that use less fuel and can be built and maintained with 3D printed parts are exactly what NASA needs. Exciting tests at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville have led to the creation of a revolutionary engine. This engine, known as the RDRE or “rotating detonation rocket engine,” uses a super-fast combustion process called detonation to produce thrust. It’s generating a lot of media attention right now.”

The 3 D printed rocket engine was recently tested at NASA’s propulsion center in Marshall, where it was fired. A partner in the development of the engine with NASA is IN Space LLC of West Lafayette, Indiana. Test burns have been conducted there since late 2022.

The engine successfully completed its primary test by demonstrating that its 3D-printed components could function for extended periods of time under conditions of high heat and pressure. The engine produced more than 4,000 pounds of thrust while running at full throttle for about a minute at the highest pressure yet for the design.

According to NASA, “this successful demonstration moves the technology closer to being employed with future launch vehicles, enabling NASA and commercial space to transfer more payload and mass to deep space destinations, a key component to making space exploration more sustainable.”

NASA Approves RDRE Aerospike Engine, 3D Printed

NASA has confirmed the results of hot fire tests conducted on a 3D-printed aerospike engine at their test facility in Huntsville, Alabama’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The validation shows that the engine is practical and behaved as expected, and as a result, NASA engineers have been given the go-ahead to create a larger version.

NASA Approves RDRE Aerospike Engine, 3D Printed
Source NASA

And in addition to being an aerospike engine, it is also a rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE).


In a conventional bell-shaped rocket nozzle, the rocket exhaust over-expands as the ambient pressure decreases and the rocket’s height rises. In essence, the overexpanded gases kind of just flop about all over the place instead of blasting straight out of the rocket and propelling it upwards. This is ineffective.

In contrast, the exhaust from an aerospike engine is fired along the outside edge of a wedge-shaped protrusion known as the “spike.” The outer air creates the other half of a “virtual” bell, with the spike forming the other side. Low-altitude ambient pressure squeezes the exhaust against the spike, establishing a balance of pressure that provides no overall thrust but also prevents propulsion loss by creating a partial vacuum. The recirculation zone at the foot of the spike maintains a greater pressure while the air pressure holding the exhaust against the spike falls as the vehicle ascends to higher altitudes, providing more force and that is more effective.

However, they do grow quite hot, and cooling them comes with a significant mass cost. However, because of 3D printing, lighter aerospike may be produced, enabling the creation of useful, lighter aerospike engines. The RDRE aerospike 3d printed rocket engine was printed using an LPBF technique using GRCop-42, a copper alloy created by NASA and valued for its thermal qualities. This is what NASA has been working on.

At Marshall’s East Test Area, the engine was fired more than a dozen times in 2022 for a total of about ten minutes.

What is RDRE technique?

Normal rockets produce thrust through a single, continuous burn, much like a large firework.

RDRE is unique in that it produces thrust through a succession of tiny controlled explosions or detonations. Injecting fuel and an oxidizer into the combustion chamber results in their ignition and the formation of a wave-like pattern of detonations that circle the chamber. This generates an ongoing thrust that moves the rocket forward.

Source: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

The detonation process may function with a larger variety of fuels and oxidizers and can convert more of the fuel’s energy into thrust. Additionally, compared to conventional rocket engines, it can operate at higher combustion pressures and temperatures.

The GRCop-42 copper alloy, created by NASA and prized for its thermal qualities, was used in the LPBF process to print the RDRE aerospike engine.

At Marshall’s East Test Area, the engine was fired more than a dozen times in 2022 for a total of about ten minutes.


Using 3D printing technique the engine created is more effective, as the detonation process may function with a larger variety of fuels and oxidizers and can convert more of the fuel’s energy into thrust. Additionally, compared to conventional rocket engines, they can operate at higher combustion pressures and temperatures.

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LPBF stands for "Laser Powder Bed Fusion". It is a type of Additive Manufacturing (AM) process that uses a laser to melt and fuse small particles of metal or plastic powders into a solid object. The laser is directed onto a bed of powdered material, fusing it layer by layer to build up the object.

RDRE stands for "Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine." It is a type of rocket engine that uses a series of continuous, high-speed rotating detonations in a combustor to generate thrust.

3D Printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing, is a process of creating a three-dimensional solid object from a digital model by adding material layer by layer.

Raju has accumulated vast experience since 2013 working as a technology journalist, market analyst, and consultant for the additive manufacturing sector. Born in India, he has spent more than ten years as a journalist covering the tech and additive manufacturing sectors. In 2013, he started covering the AM sector, first as an international journalist and then as a market analyst, concentrating on the additive manufacturing sector and related vertical markets. Futuretechverse was founded by him in 2022. Today, the company publishes 3D Printing Media Network, Replicatore, and 3D Printing Business Directory, the largest global directory of businesses in the additive manufacturing sector. It also produces the premier news and insights publication, 3D Printing Media Network.